The Warrior's Proposal (Celestial Mates Book 7) Read online

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Zameer listened to this in startled amazement. Sara’s mother had neglected her? That was a disgrace in his book.

  “No Abison parent would do this to their child.” He said adamantly.

  “Our lives revolve around our children once they’re born. What was your wife doing through all this?”

  “Mostly being drunk.” Neil said grumpily. He sounded almost embarrassed.

  “She kept promising to get help but it never happened. I should’ve divorced her but I lost a parent at a young age through that. I didn’t want Sara to have the same.”

  “What did Sara do?”

  Neil smiled. Zameer knew any talk of his daughter made him smile. He adored her.

  “She left home at eighteen, went to university, and qualified to study with me. She’s my best research assistant. She barely spoke to Fiona unless she had to.” Then the smile faded.

  “Last year, Sara was going to get married and, on my advice, invited Fiona to the wedding. She’s been with her fiancé Zach since their senior year. Then the night before the wedding her maid of honor, Zach’s sister, found him in the middle of…it…with Fiona.”


  But Zameer was already realizing what Neil was talking about before the other man answered.

  “Having sex with her. They didn’t even bother to hide themselves when she walked in on them.” Neil shook her head ruefully.

  “I should’ve divorced her long before. I was sure there were affairs going on but I hadn’t been able to prove it. To have the double-whammy that she was having an affair and it was with her future son-in-law…

  “Fiona kept saying it was only once and they were drunk but once is enough in our books. Sara ended things with Zach and I finally divorced Fiona. We got on with our lives. Fiona didn’t.”

  Now Zameer could see. Neil and Sara had already been close beforehand but this had sealed their relationship. They were united against a woman who had ruined both of them. It made him want to go to Sara and give her a hug.

  He hoped the fiancé wasn’t about. He would rip the man’s head off.

  “And this fiancé?”

  “He keeps trying to get back with Sara. Sara refuses. He has insisted it was just once but his sister knows otherwise and she and Sara are close.” Neil’s jaw set. “She’s not about to become a doormat.”

  Zameer nodded approvingly. Then he noticed that Neil was looking at her curiously.

  “Why are you so concerned about her? You barely know her.”

  Telling him a lie would have Neil suspiciously immediately. Zameer swore the man could smell a lie. So he decided to give it straight.

  “You know the process of Abisons finding mates?”

  Neil stared.

  “You think my daughter is your mate?”

  “I don’t think. I know.” Zameer laid a fist on his chest over his heart. “In here.”

  “That sixth sense of yours.”

  “Doctor Jones, how does any human know when the right person comes along for them?”

  “We just know.”

  “Exactly.” Zameer took a deep breath.

  “I am attracted to Sara and I’m sure the feeling’s mutual. I would like to explore it but I’m leaving at the end of the week. The thought of leaving Sara is going to tear me apart.”

  “You want to take her back to Abison.” It wasn’t a question. Neil tilted his head to one side. “And you want my permission.”

  “I know it’s tradition around here to ask the fathers for things regarding their daughters. Things like courtship, for example.”

  Neil chuckled.

  “It’s a dying tradition. Hasn’t been used for hundreds of years in its proper sense. I haven’t heard a word like courtship in a long time.” Neil smiled. “But it’s nice to be appreciated.”

  Zameer shrugged.

  “That’s how we are.”

  “When you’re not invading planets.”

  “I’ll ignore that comment.” Zameer wasn’t about to have another argument on that; Neil could argue for the planet.

  “I want to take Sara to Abison so she can see where I live. Not a permanent thing,” He added hurriedly, “Just a short time. It’ll take about two weeks to get there and I want her to stay for a month so it’ll be about two months at the most. If she wants to stay after that, she can stay. If she doesn’t, I’ll let her come back.”

  “Let her come back?”

  Zameer paused.


  Neil frowned.

  “I thought mates couldn’t resist the pull. How come Sara’s not showing any signs?”

  “If it’s between an Abison male and female, the pull means they have no chance. But Sara’s human. That’s why I’m asking for a month to get to know her properly. Do it the human way.”

  Neil was silent. Zameer waited. He was normally a patient man, but the speed of things on Earth were too slow for him. Even deciding things was too slow for him. Finally, Neil spoke.

  “You’ll have to talk to Sara about it. But I won’t stop you. While I’m not keen on Abison, you’ve been respectful towards me and my daughter.” His eyes narrowed. “But if she gets hurt, I’ll be going straight to the council.”

  Zameer wasn’t scared of the council. It was a mix-up of Humans and Abison males who looked after things regarding the Abison people on Earth. Zameer knew those on the council but while he wasn’t scared of them, he didn’t want to cross them.

  “You got it.” Zameer didn’t look away. “I won’t let her get hurt.”

  He was certain of that.

  Making Plans

  Sara was exhausted. She had gone straight into the shower as soon as she had got home before falling into bed. Normally that had her falling straight to sleep and she would slumber all through the day until dusk, when she would be woken by her alarm to get about her night shift. Her body clock was good at adjusting itself.

  But not tonight. The call from Fiona had thrown her and Sara was still angry. Every time she closed her eyes, she could see the woman who had neglected her through her formative years, clutching hold of a half-empty bottle with a drunken smirk on her face.

  Sara had slammed her radio on, finding one of her favourite radio shows and attempted to fall asleep to that. But that didn’t even work so Sara was left staring at the ceiling.

  She could remember a lot of her childhood. And not a lot of it was good. The only good memories she had with some clarity were with her father. Neil adored her and even with his long working hours still found time for his only child.

  School hadn’t been that bad, even with the children bullying her about having a drunk mother who slept around, so she couldn’t complain on that.

  The main bad memories were about her mother. Drunk all the time, ignored her when she started crying. Neil had had to take her to the ER a few times because Sara had managed to get into somewhere dangerous and hurt herself. How CPS didn’t come along and take Sara out of her mother’s custody she had no idea; Fiona managed to get away with it all.

  As soon as she turned eighteen, Sara had hightailed it out of there. Neil had been said but had understanding. Fiona, on the other hand, couldn’t understand why her baby had left.

  Everyone tried to explain it to her but nobody got through, least of all Sara. She kept away and only saw her mother briefly at family events.

  Then the incident with Zach had happened. He knew exactly what Fiona was like and had supported her the whole way. Until six months before the wedding and his spine seemed to weaken.

  He kept saying they should invite Fiona and she can’t be all that bad. Sara had eventually agreed to let Fiona come but she was not to drink or she would be escorted out. He kept pushing her for other silly things regarding Fiona but Sara pointed out she had allowed her to come and that was all she was giving to Fiona.

  Little did she know Fiona was actually whispering in her ex-fiance’s ear. Sara didn’t want to think about how long they had really been going on for. It made her sick to the

  Now it was just her and Neil and Sara wouldn’t mind keeping it that way.

  However, there was a wonder in her mind if anything would happen with Zameer. Now Neil had mentioned Zameer looked like he was planning a seduction, Sara wondered if he would actually do it. She certainly wouldn’t say no. Anything to make things more enjoyable right now. Something to take her mind off her damn mother.

  Zameer didn’t deserve to be treated like that. But Sara couldn’t help but wonder.

  She finally fell asleep shortly before midday but it was a fitful sleep, rolling about her bed to the point she nearly fell out. By the time Sara woke up, she had barely had half the amount of sleep she normally took. And Sara was cranky. She stomped about her apartment, getting ready, showering and making her breakfast with a snarl.

  Even over the phone, her mother caused her to have a bad day.

  Sara was dressed and coming out the bathroom when someone knocked at the door. Neil often came by to walk her down to the lab. With where they were it was easy enough to walk to the lab and not worry about a car. And Sara liked the company.

  But it wasn’t Neil at the door. Sara felt her mouth go dry when Zameer turned to face her.


  “Evening.” Zameer gave her a smile that made Sara want to swoon. “Are you all right now, Sara?”

  He still remembered the phone call. Sara cringed.

  “I think so.” She frowned. “You look exhausted. Are you sure you’ve slept?”

  “I’m fine.” Zameer raised his eyebrows. “Can I come in?”


  Sara didn’t see why not. He had never been in her apartment before but she wasn’t scared of him. In fact, she trusted him. Zameer was the one person, other than her father and her best friend that she trusted without question. It was strange considering they were virtually strangers but Sara didn’t want to explain it; it just felt like that.

  She stepped aside and allowed Zameer inside. Zameer was looking at her strangely as she shut the door.

  “I take it talking to your mother doesn’t do much for your health. You look as white as a sheet.”

  Sara didn’t want to discuss her mother. She had to be drunk to do that. She folded her arms.

  “Why are you really here, Zameer?”

  Zameer sighed, putting his hands behind his back.

  “I’m going back to Abison at the end of the week.”

  Sara blinked.

  “I thought you were going to be here longer.”

  “I thought I was as well.” Zameer gave her a wry smile. “But the Lord Queen has ordered me back.”

  “The Lord Queen?”

  “She’s not technically in charge. That would be her mate, our king. But she is…very demanding.”

  Sara felt a stab of jealousy in her gut. She pushed it away. The queen was married already. Why would she feel jealous over Zameer with a married woman?

  “And she’s beautiful, I bet.”

  Zameer’s mouth twitched in a smile.

  “Not beautiful enough for me.” He went on before Sara could figure out what he meant. “I’ve spoken to your father. He said you’re interested in our culture and wanting to know more. I asked and he said yes.”

  “Yes to what?”

  “You coming with me.”

  Sara stared. Had she heard correctly?

  “To Abison?”

  “It’ll only be for a month.” Zameer went on hurriedly.

  “A holiday, of sorts. Neil said you haven’t had one in a while. You’ve mentioned wanting to come and see Abison.” He paused. “And it could get you away from your mother for a bit.”

  Sara was touched. He was thinking of her. Sweet, in a way. She had expressed an interest in seeing Abison. She was fascinated with all the planets. Astronomy was a hobby of hers. Zameer had promised letting her see his home one day but she never thought he’d follow through.

  She found herself smiling.

  “I’m intrigued. Although I am wondering why you asked Dad for permission first.”

  “I’m old-fashioned, as you Humans would say. And he is your boss. I would need to check if you were able to take the holiday.”

  There had to be another reason for this. But Sara couldn’t think of one. She was just eager to see Abison. She grinned.

  “If Dad says it’s okay, then yes. I’ll come. I could do with a break.”

  “That’s great!” Zameer checked himself and coughed. “I mean, good. We’ll leave Sunday morning.”

  “I’ll be ready.”

  Zameer nodded briskly. Then he hurried out, nearly slamming the door behind him. Sara could only stare after him, wondering what had just happened.


  She was coming. Zameer couldn’t believe it. She was coming. His chance to make her his mate was happening.

  If she accepted him. And from the way she acted around him, Zameer was sure that Sara would accept him. He just had to make sure nothing got in the way.

  Like interfering mothers.

  When Sunday morning came round, Sara was packed and ready. She only had one suitcase, her laptop and her iPad. Zameer was impressed.

  He had been half-expecting three suitcases at the minimum. But Sara was practical. And they did know how to wash clothes on Abison. He did know how a washing machine worked. Theirs wasn’t quite the same shape but he did know how to work it.

  The shuttle to take him home was at the landing stage in Phoenix. Zameer packed it with the supplies and their belongings while Sara and Neil spoke to the landing stage.

  Neil had come along with his daughter to see her off and it looked like, even with his approval, Neil was reluctant to see her go. Zameer gritted his teeth and hoped it wouldn’t change at the last minute.

  “Are you ready?” He heard Neil ask his daughter as he came back onto the landing stage, having packed everything away.

  Sara nodded.

  “I think so.” She hugged her father. “I’m going to miss you, Daddy.”

  “Don’t be silly.” Neil chuckled and hugged her back. “How often were you at university and I didn’t see you for some time? This won’t be any different.”

  “But it didn’t take two weeks to get back to you.”

  Neil pulled back and kissed her head.

  “You’ll be fine. You’ll be looked after. And you can do some research for yourself while you’re there.”

  “I thought I was supposed to be on holiday.” Sara grumbled.

  Zameer chuckled.

  “Since when do scientists really have a break?”

  Neil exchanged a grin with him. Sara rolled her eyes and kissed her father’s cheek.

  “Bye, Dad.”


  Zameer jumped at the sudden screech. Sara froze. A tall, willowy woman with flowing blonde hair wearing a loud blue skirt suit was hurrying towards them, keeping her balance well in her high heels. Sara groaned.

  “Oh, God.”

  Neil pushed his daughter towards the shuttle.

  “Go inside, quick! I’ll head her off.”

  Sara nodded and hurried up the ramp, giving Zameer an embarrassed look as she went past. Zameer went to join Neil and nodded at the approaching woman.

  “Is that her?”

  “Sure is.” Neil muttered. “That’s Fiona Chatham, formerly Jones.”

  “Sara, no!” Fiona Chatham hurried to their stage and attempted to get up the ramp as Sara disappeared inside. “No, come back!”

  “Fiona, don’t be stupid.” Neil grabbed her round the waist and pulled her back. “Stop making a scene.”

  “But she’s being kidnapped!” Fiona shrieked. She raised her voice enough to make Zameer wince. “The Abisons are kidnapping her!”

  There were a few people about the landing stage, mainly servicing the other shuttles that were docked. Most of them were from Abison. Everyone stopped what they were doing to glare at her but Fiona seemed to be too hysterical to notice.

  Neil sighed a
nd half-carried her off the ramp, unceremoniously dumping her down and spinning her round to face him.

  “It’s not kidnapping, Fiona. She’s not being taken there against her will.”

  Fiona snorted rudely.

  “You think that,” She jabbed a finger at Zameer, “but he wants to take her and rain her dry of her blood.”

  It was so ludicrous that Zameer had to laugh. He hadn’t heard that one out loud.

  “Have people really taken our lives and interpreted us as being vampires?”

  “I’m afraid so.” Neil gave him a sheepish look. “Put lack of sunlight and added strength into the mix and you’ve got a combination people know about in books.”

  “Where did the bloodsucking come from?”

  “Goes with the territory.”

  Fiona was looking at her former husband like he was crazy.

  “Why are you talking to him, Neil?” She demanded shrilly. “You should be calling for the guards. He’s kidnapping my daughter!”

  My daughter, Zameer noted. This woman still wanted possession over Sara. He stepped up beside Neil.

  “Ma’am, your daughter wanted to come.” He tried to keep his voice as even as possible. “I’m happy to escort her. I would never do anything against her will.”

  “Oh, really?” The woman sneered at him. “How do I know you won’t take her blood?”

  How this woman was related to Sara Zameer had no idea; she was delusional. Zameer grinned.

  “You don’t. I have been good while I’ve been here and sustained from it. It’s going to be a very long two weeks.” He licked his lips and made a great deal of sniffing in her direction. “I might need a snack to stop from taking her blood. And yours smells so sweet.”

  He snapped his teeth at her. Fiona screamed and bolted, running towards the exit so far she nearly fell over. Laughter from the other Abison males followed here. Some of the Human males were shaking their heads in amusement. Neil frowned at Zameer.

  “Did you have to do that?”

  Zameer laughed and shrugged. That had been the best fun he had had in a while.

  “Might as well play on the misconception. It got rid of her, didn’t it?” He made a face. “Besides, I really can smell her blood and it stinks of alcohol. Abisons don’t like Human alcohol.”