The Warrior's Proposal (Celestial Mates Book 7) Read online

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  “At least you’ve got something right.” Neil’s face screwed up until a smile broke out and he chuckled. “I must admit, that was quite funny.”

  “Glad you approve.” Zameer glanced at the clock. It was time to set off. He held out a hand towards Neil. “Goodbye, Doctor Jones. And thank you.”

  “Update me on the way.” Neil shook his hand firmly. “I’m confident you’ll be fine but I am a father.”

  Zameer nodded. He would be more than happy to do that for this man. He had allowed him to take his mate to Abison. He would do whatever the Human wanted after that.


  Sara awoke and stared at the ceiling. The bunk was smaller than her bed at home but it was comfortable. After a couple of days getting used to being in space, it was very easy to fall asleep. It had to be with a pull or something.

  As she had done every morning for the past four days, Sara thought about her mother’s outbursts on the landing stage. How had the damn woman known where she was going?

  It was like she had listening devices where she lived. The only place Zameer and Sara had discussed going to Abison for definite was in her apartment. So how had she known?

  Sara didn’t want to get a headache thinking about it. It had driven her mad for some time. And she wanted to enjoy this little time she had with Zameer before they landed.

  They were getting along really well. Zameer was good company and they managed to talk about a lot of things. Sara found out Zameer had been investigating the way Humans lived and finding it an interesting search as well as alarming. Sara’s sides still hurt from laughing.

  But she wasn’t going to get anywhere by lying in her bunk thinking about the male on the shuttle with her. Knowing they had another week, at least, to go until they landed was going to make this interesting.

  Getting dressed and dragging a brush through her hair, Sara made her way to the cockpit. Zameer was in the pilot’s seat, flicking a few switches. Endless black space stretched out beyond the window.

  Zameer looked round as Sara entered and gave her a smile. He had been doing a lot more of those lately as well, enough to make Sara shiver as it touched places she didn’t think were possible of touching.

  “Hey, there. How did you sleep?”

  “Not bad.” Sara slipped into the other seat and crossed her legs. “I’m getting better at it now I’ve been in space a while. It’s easier with an alarm or I might end up sleeping too much.”

  Zameer chuckled.

  “You’ve got that silly little grin on your face again.”

  “What silly little grin?”

  “The one that says you’re laughing over something in your head. Care to let me in on the joke?”

  Sara giggled.

  “I’m still remembering you pretending to be a real vampire to Fiona and she runs away screaming.”

  She had witnessed it from deep into the shuttle and couldn’t believe Zameer gall to do it. But it had put a smile on her face at her mother’s reaction. It was too priceless.

  Zameer had found her giggling in a ball later on and had been pleased for two days afterwards that he had managed to make her happy.

  He could keep his ego swelled, if he liked. Sara was still smiling about it.

  Zameer shrugged and sat back.

  “People like to believe the worst about us and make up rumours based on the information they get. From what I know of Humans, a lot of them are fascinated with vampires.”

  “There are lots of vampire romances out there. It’s quite a popular genre.”

  “Well, it was going to go one of two ways. Either Fiona would’ve been terrified and run away or she would’ve been turned on and begged to come along. I’m just glad it was the former.”

  Sara smiled.

  “Fiona doesn’t do paranormal romances. She prefers things non-fiction and nothing scary.”

  “Doesn’t that limit the bookshelf?”

  “Big time.”

  Zameer looked at her curiously.

  “What about you? What sort of books do you like to read?”

  Sara grinned. She pointed at the monitor.

  “I spent most of the first day uploading my entire library into that. Have a look. You can tell by the book covers, if not by the titles.”

  Zameer leant over and tapped at the screen. He brought up a condensed list of Sara’s reading list and scanned the screen. He whistled.

  “Wow. You really like your paranormal stuff.”

  “I’m a scientist and I know I’m meant to be practical but I like to have a little fun.” Sara shrugged. “I don’t believe in vampires; it’s just escapism.”

  “I’m sure.” Zameer gave her an amused look. He switched off the screen and sat back, crossing his legs. “We’ve got another four to five days before we get to Abison.”

  “So, is there anything I need to know before we get there?”

  “We’re a bit more technology-advanced than Earth.” Zameer paused. “And all but three hours are in darkness.”

  “So it’s always night.”

  “Mostly always night. It’s so we can stay strong. Sunlight, as you know, doesn’t work in our favour.” Zameer tapped his fingers on his knee.

  “We eat pretty much the same food although it’s more like the food you get in what you call the Deep South. A bit like Cajun and barbecue. We like a bit of spice.”

  Sara had never had Cajun food. But she liked a challenge and was keen to try it.

  “We have the same type of technological appliances so you won’t get confused and everyone speaks English. But everyone is a little…aloof. They think they’re more superior and won’t take kindly to a Human being on Abison, even if it’s only temporary.”

  “So I’m going to be shunned.” Sara grunted. “Terrific.”

  Zameer chuckled.

  “With your personality, you should be fine. My parents will certainly warm to you.”

  Sara blinked.

  “Your parents are still alive? I thought you were, what, two-hundred-and-sixty years old?”

  “Two-hundred-and-sixty-five, to be exact.” Zameer grinned at Sara’s stunned amazement.

  “Mother’s four-hundred and Father’s five-hundred-and-twenty. We pretty much stop aging once we reach a certain age.”

  Sara had wondered about that. Zameer didn’t look any older than her. But he was over two hundred years older than her. That made her feel really young.

  “Mother and Father look like my siblings,” Zameer went on, “So don’t be surprised if they look too young to be parents. They’re a bit more open-minded than the regular Abison and Father loves talking about science.” He smiled. “You should get on fine.”

  That was something, at least. Sara didn’t like the idea of going somewhere where she wasn’t liked. So to know someone would appreciate her presence made her feel better.

  Trying to Escape – Not Quite Succeeding

  After conversing with Zameer a few more moments, Sara decided to get showered and get on with going through her extensive library. She had a long list of e-books she had written but had never actually read them due to her intensive workload. Maybe now would be a good time to start going through them. They were going to be in space for another week, at the most.

  Sara was not looking forward to being struck with cabin fever.

  She was laying out her things ready for the shower when her iPad started making noises. Mobile phones didn’t work in space so her iPad had been hooked up to the intercom system so she could have calls from Earth directed to it. Only Neil had the code to contact them and Zameer’s people on Abison.

  Sara glanced at the incoming call, half-expecting it to be one of them. If it was Neil, she could call back after her shower. He would understand. If it was Abison, she would leave it for Zameer; that was his territory.

  But it was a name that Sara wasn’t expecting. She recognized it – it was the last person, other than her mother, she wanted to speak to. How had he known where she was?

Sara growled. She wanted to ignore the call but the man was persistent. It would be easier to deal with him now or he would be calling for the rest of the trip. That would mean Zameer would start asking questions. Questions Sara didn’t want to answer.

  Gritting her teeth, she answered the call.

  “How the hell did you find me?”

  The caller chuckled.

  “Hello to you, too, Sara.”

  “I cut off contact with you for a reason, Zach.”

  “I’m calling you because I miss you.”

  Sara rolled her eyes. He kept saying the same thing every time he called every month. She hadn’t fallen for it the first time and she wasn’t going to fall for it now.

  “Don’t you take a hint? I don’t miss you.”

  “Liar. Your mother said…”

  “Since when have you been talking to her?” Sara shook her head and carried her shampoo bottles into the shower room, slamming them onto the vanity. “I knew it was more than just a one-off.”

  “It was just that night. I promise.” Zach protested. “And I was drunk.”

  “That’s no excuse for cheating me the night before our wedding.” Sara shot back. She stalked back into the bedroom.

  “And Hannah, your own sister, caught you, didn’t she? She’s still washing her eyes out with bleach after she saw where your brain was planted.”

  Hannah had told Sara everything, even bits Sara didn’t want to know. But Sara preferred to know the whole truth, even if it made her feel sick afterwards.

  “Don’t be like that, Sara.”

  “Really? I told you never to contact me again. You’re not very good at listening to me, Zach.”

  “But I want to see you.” Zach sounded like he was whining. “Can’t we talk?”

  “No, we can’t. You ruined what would have been perfect. Between you and Fiona you fucked it all up.”

  Zach snorted.

  “Come on, a man has needs and you can’t expect me to not look elsewhere if you’re too busy.”

  He had tried this before. Make it look like she was the one at fault for making him stray. But Sara wasn’t about to play. She was too angry for that.

  “Too busy saving up for a wedding and making sure it goes off without a hitch.” She pointed out. “And we were intimate. You were just never there emotionally.”

  “At least Fiona has more enthusiasm.”

  Sara didn’t want to know. And this call had gone on for long enough. That was the cue to end it.

  “Right, that’s it. I’m ending this. I’m not on the planet right now so don’t bother looking for me. And I’ll make sure Dad knows to call the police if you come anywhere near work or home.”

  “Sara, I…”

  “Bye, Zachary!”

  Sara jabbed angrily at her iPad and the called disconnected. She resisted the urge to throw it against the wall; unlike the work phone, she actually needed this. But the urge to hit something made her hands tingle.

  What was it about these two that made her incredibly violent?

  Sara didn’t want to think about him anymore. Her ex-fiance had proven that he couldn’t be trusted. She had thought that he was different and he wouldn’t succumb to his mother’s advances.

  Fiona went out of her way to see if she could seduce Sara’s boyfriends, just to see if she could. She always succeeded. As a result, Sara didn’t tell her about Zach. But she found out in the end and got under his skin.

  Well, she was having none of it. She wouldn’t be manipulated by either of them again.

  She turned the shower on and stripped, stepping under the spray. It was hot and inviting but it didn’t chase the sickening feeling in her stomach away. Or the memories that were now flashing back enough to make Sara’s head spin.

  It was all too much for Sara. She collapsed to the ground and burst into tears.


  They finally arrived on Abison. Zameer sat in the cockpit and looked down at the vast dark expanse of his world, the lights of the main city flicking like dancing fireflies across the landscape. He could see various spaceships going about their business. Nothing appeared to have changed.

  He had missed his home.

  Sara sat in the copilot’s seat staring down at the planet in wonder. Her eyes were wide and Zameer could see all the emotions pass across her face. She was fascinated. That pleased him.

  Maybe she would like it here.

  “It’s stunning, Zameer.” Sara breathed.

  Zameer laughed.

  “Abison’s been called a lot of things but never stunning.”

  “I’m not here to invade, though, am I?” Sara grinned. She leant further forward. “Things always look beautiful at night.”

  But Zameer wasn’t looking at the city he grew up in. He was staring at Sara, the lights from below lighting up the cockpit and illuminating her. She looked absolutely beautiful.

  “That they do.” He murmured. Then he realized where his thoughts were going and coughed. “I’ll get us docked.”

  They said nothing as Zameer guided the shuttle into a landing dock. It took a few moments to go through all the checks before they disembarked but it finally happened – Zameer put his feet back on Abison soil.

  It was good to be back. Earth was interesting but he couldn’t see himself living there permanently. Vacations, yes. For Sara’s sake. But not permanently.

  Not unless Sara wished it. And Zameer was silently hoping not.

  Sara stepped off the shuttle, keeping her eyes averted from the armour-clad guards as they lined the dock. Zameer smiled at her shyness and squeezed her hand.

  “They won’t hurt you.”

  “You sure about that?”

  “I’m sure.” Zameer gently tugged her along. “They’ll get our belongings to my quarters. We’d better go and notify King Deva about your visit. He knows you’re coming and wanted to meet you as soon as we landed.”

  “Really?” Sara tugged at her shirt nervously. “Am I presentable?”

  Zameer chuckled.

  “You’re absolutely fine. Don’t worry.”

  King Deva was a male who didn’t care much for presentation as long as you turned up. He understood the daily toil and it wasn’t easy to remain in a state of impeccable cleanliness.

  It was his mate who wanted everyone dressed up to the nines whenever they were in her presence; she complained about it heavily whenever it didn’t happen. Zameer wasn’t there to serve Tiria, though. He served Deva.

  However, the rule didn’t seem to apply to Zameer. It was clear to everyone except Deva that Tiria favoured Zameer. She simpered when he was around and kept trying to get close to him, touching his arm. Zameer always moved away but she kept coming.

  Short of telling her to back away, Zameer was at a loss. You didn’t tell royalty to back away. But it did make him uncomfortable. Especially as he didn’t like Tiria; she was a spoilt female who thought she was entitled to everything simply because she was queen.

  She also treated other females like something she had stepped in. If she was like this with Abison females, Zameer dreaded to think what she would do with Sara.

  He made a mental note never to leave Sara alone with her. Ever. He didn’t trust the queen not to harm his mate.

  He didn’t want to be executed for harming the queen.

  King Deva was in his throne room when Zameer arrived at the palace. They were shown straight in. Zameer felt Sara stiffen beside him and squeezed her hand. He wouldn’t leave her alone.

  Deva was a good male but Zameer’s protectiveness with Sara was on high; he wasn’t about to leave her alone unless he couldn’t avoid it.

  He took the lead and bowed, tugging Sara into motion beside him.

  “Your Majesty.”

  Deva grinned and stood from his throne, coming down the steps.

  “Zameer. Good to see you back.” He shook hands with Zameer. “I trust your journey was uneventful?”

  “It was nice and quiet.” Zameer indicated Sara. “This is
Doctor Sara Jones. She’s here for that visit I told you about.”

  “Your Majesty.”

  Sara bowed her head, keeping her eyes on the floor. Deva nodded approval.

  “She’s a pretty girl, Zameer.” Then he laughed when Sara’s head shot up, her eyes widened in surprise. “Don’t look so surprised, Doctor Jones. Abisons are known for expressing their thoughts. We are honest people.”


  Zameer heard the scepticism and knew she was thinking about him. Deva laughed.

  “Well, maybe Zameer’s the exception. I think he’s taken too many trips to Earth. He’s learnt diplomacy. Humans, apparently, don’t like bluntness.”

  “Or honesty.” Sara muttered.

  “Touche.” Deva turned to the statuesque woman sitting on the second throne. “This is my wife, Queen Tiria.”

  Tiria gave Sara barely a glance as Sara respectfully bowed towards her. She kept her eyes firmly on Zameer, who suddenly became aware that he was still holding on to Sara’s hand. But he wasn’t about to let go because Tiria was staring at him. Hopefully noting that he was doing this said he wasn’t about to cow down to her.

  “I’m delighted to see you back at last, Zameer.” Tiria said icily. She had seen he hadn’t let go. “I hope you don’t go gallivanting off again.”

  Zameer glanced at the king, who hadn’t seemed to notice his mate’s icy response.

  “Only if King Deva allows it.”

  Deva shrugged.

  “We’ll see how things go with Doctor Jones.”

  Zameer glanced at Sara, who was shifting uncomfortably under Tiria’s gaze. If he had his way, things would go very well with Sara. It was just a question of whether Sara would be susceptible or not.

  Asking For Permission

  Sara wasn’t sure what to make of the king and queen. King Deva was tall, taller than Zameer, with jet-black hair trailing down his back. He was a handsome man and seemed jovial enough but there was hardness behind his eyes that belied his pleasant exterior. It made her uncomfortable.

  But not as uncomfortable as Tiria made her feel. The brunette beauty seemed to have veins made out of ice. She didn’t take her eyes off Zameer for more than a few moments and whenever it went to Sara, she exuded genuine hate. They barely spoke and she already hated Sara.